
Josh Bruton

web developer, programmer, and animator

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I am a Python/JavaScript Programmer and Web Developer, who also loves 3D Animation. I have experience working in Linux, and Mac OS, with a good knowledge of BASH/ZSH. I spend most of my time learning and creating, with my most recent interest being game design.

My Skills

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Web Design and Development

I started my coding journey when I was 14 years old. HTML was all the rave, and I must have built over a hundred websites that first year alone. I have since also mastered CSS, JavaScript, and the many packages and Frameworks that go with web development (Node.js, Express, jQuery, React, etc). Over time, I have gained a wealth of experience completing real world projects for freelance clients.



I have been coding for many years, and learned how to use many languages. Python is hands down my favorite language to work with. While studying Network Security, I was writing scripts in Python daily. I found myself enjoying the coding more than anything, and decided to make it my main focus. I have a firm foundation of the core language, as well as OOP concepts and patterns. I also have experience working with many popular python packages, such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, and Tkinter (just to name a few).


Game Development

In 2006 I attended Fullsail University for Game Design & Development. I learned the tools and concepts needed for animating 2D and 3D as well. I have most experience using Blender for all aspets of my workflow (although I sometimes animate using Unity which I am most familar as far as game development engines. I utilize the programming I know as well as knowledge of 3d design and animation to create in this space. Right now though, it is purely a hobby.


Knowledge and Experience

Through my studies and course work, I have experience building many real-world projects. From these projects I gained a firm understanding of many concepts and how to use them. My most valuable skill though, is my ability to read documentation, problem solve, and learn new packages and concepts quickly.

Get In Touch

Check outmy GitHub Hereto see my projects!

If you have a project you think I can contribute to, please don't hesitate to reach out.


© 2022 Josh Bruton